So, at 6:15 a.m. I wandered downstairs to eat the last of the dessert and make some coffee.
But, what to do with this quiet time alone?

And, then I spyed my mother's new cell phone. Her old phone had given up the ghost (her words, not mine) so I had ordered another one for her from Verizon. It was really, really hard finding a phone for her that she could use. I was looking for a phone with big buttons, a speaker, blue tooth capabilities and... well, that's about it. She doesn't use the net, text messaging or take pictures. Her only request was that it be pink. I couldn't do that either. Why don't they make phone for seniors that have big buttons and no complications? And in fun colors that could be found at the bottom of a dark purse?

One thing that many of her friends don't realize is that she's a total news hound. Since she's come to live with us in the summer she serves as a constant source of amusement when she interjects some newsworthy item into our dinner conversation. At first, we completely doubted her stories - thinking that she was either making it up, was informed by an addled friend or just got it wrong. We learned. Initially, we double checked her stories on the Internet. Invariably, she is right about her facts - though they may be a little askew.
I've also learned that she reads the Buffalo news cover to cover after Bill and I go to work. If you start to tell her a story about something you've read, she's already got the inside scoop - because she's supplemented her information with Channel 2, 4 or 7.
Which make me think that perhaps I should teach her how to text. She could parlay that ability and set up her own twitter account. With her nose for news she make be the next tweeting sensation....
On second thought, if she's tweeting all the time, she won't ever pick up her phone - which is the reason I got her a phone in the first place.
Argh! Well, at least her phone ready for her. She can study it when she wakes up. At least she got to sleep in this morning.
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