We also attended the ceremony at the church. Nowadays people often skip this, the most important part of the day. I love going to the church part. I like to check out churches: the architecture, the windows, the varying levels of ornamentation, the organ and how well the acoustics work. When we travel, churches are a major part of our tours: Notre Dame and the Vatican, of course, La Sagrada Família,Westminster Abbey, Doi Suthep are just a few of the hundreds of places of worship we've seen. However, we've never participated in a service in any of them. So, seeing a church in 'action' is fun.
I also love to go to Roman Catholic weddings because there is always a mass which includes communion. As I sit back and watch the pious accept the body and blood of Christ, I also do a quick check of the non-Catholics in the pews. The ratios vary, but at a Buffalo wedding, the percentage of non-Catholics is pretty small. And when the Catholics circle back to their seats, I don't think I've ever felt strange about it. It's just one of those exclusive things. I also "finish" the Lord's Prayer under my breath when we all recite it: For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.
The best part of going to a wedding ceremony with your spouse is when you can hold his hand or squeeze his shoulder when the minister/priest/leader says something particularly witty or sage about marriage. Exchanging a knowing look or even reliving your own vows is good for the two of you. It's almost like getting married again. Which is why I think I don't miss the ceremony part. I always get the look or the squeeze from him. He knows.
Very sweet!