I use my iPhone as my alarm in the morning. When it goes off, I check my Words with Friends to see if any of my global competitors took a turn between midnight and 7 a.m. That action, reaching for the phone as soon as I wake up, reminds me of my dad, a HORRIBLE cigarette smoker, who would light one up as he got out of bed.
Hint #1 - if it's the first thing you reach for in the morning, you may have an addiction.
Hint #2 - When Bill sees me with my iPhone up to my face, he asks "Scrabble"? Nine times out of ten I will lie and tell him I'm checking email. I don't want to appear as if I'm not productive 100% of my life. Lying to cover up an addiction is a bad sign.
Hint #3 - If I don't complete the NY Times Crossword on Sunday I save the magazine, keeping it in a special place. Having a stash makes me feel better - that sounds bad, too, doesn't it?
So let's recap: I have a new set of friends that I haven't introduced to my family, I have an uncontrollable desire to play as soon as I wake, I'm lying about it and I have secret stashes.
I have a problem.
I think this blog may be the first step of my twelve step program. Luckily, I can count on the support of my husband.
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