We do not appreciate the stabilityof our lives here in America (and Canada) until it is threatened. And so many of us are blissfully unaware of the threat!
As I drove to work today and noticed all the familiar landmarks and buildings and the way the snow beautified some not-so-beautiful parts of Main Street I took a deep breath. And I thought how we all need to be thankful EVERY DAY. We need to appreciate EVERY DAY that we are able to get up and go to work and be productive and then come home and have dinner with our loved ones.
I opened a bottle of champagne tonight with Bill. It seemed a little incongruous that I would open a celebratory bottle when the world is in such a mess. But, as Bill says, we'll be dead a long time. And we need to celebrate while we can. So... CHEERS!!!
Did you have a hangover the next day ? ( :